Zion Memorial Church

Horticultural Society Monthly Meeting

Zion Memorial Church 37 Franklin Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada

Sandy Black from Pakenham belongs to the Ottawa African Violet Society. She will be speaking on ‘ Caring For African Violets ‘.

Carleton Place: A Celebration!

Zion Memorial Church 37 Franklin Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada

The United Church of Canada 100th Anniversary. Silent Auction, Trivia, Cards.  4:30-7:30pm. Early bidding starts at 3:00pm. Free admission,  food and refreshments available to purchase. Location – Zion Memorial United Church, 37 Franklin St. Carleton Place

Horticultural Society Monthly Meeting

Zion Memorial Church 37 Franklin Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada

Chloe Hurst will speak on ‘ This Gothic Garden Lives in Carleton Place’. Chloe lives in Carleton Place. Interesting topic.