Roy Brown Museum & Information Centre

Roy Brown Museum

Flying a Sopwith Camel in World War I, Captain Roy Brown, a son of Carleton Place, brought an end to the legendary Red Baron and his Flying Circus over a remote field in France.

In the course of protecting Lt. Wilfred May, an inexperienced pilot and high school chum, Brown is said to have downed the most infamous fighter pilot of the entire war!

To learn more, visit the Roy Brown Museum and Information Centre, located in the log house across from the Town Hall. A restoration of the first homestead in town, the building serves triple duty as a museum, visitor information centre and home to the Carleton Place and District Chamber of Commerce.

Information Centre

Visitor guides, pamphlets, brochures for self-guided tours, and souvenirs are available here, with parking behind and bicycle racks out front.

Information Centre Hours

170 Bridge Street

Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.