Photos with Santa & Mrs Claus

50/50 Cribbage

Navy League of Canada 137 John Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada

$10 per person.  1/2 of proceeds go back out as prizes. Doors open at 6, games start at 7. 137 John Street.  Info call Lynda 613-257-5214.  All proceeds go to Navy League/Sea Cadets.

Turpins Trail Concert

Zion Memorial Church 37 Franklin Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada

Traditional Celtic tunes. Folk ballads. Storytelling.

Honouring Service, Embracing Change – A conversation with Chief Warrant Officer Tracy Graham of the Canadian Armed Forces

Carleton Place Public Library 101 Beckwith Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada

November 4th, 7:00 PMJoin us for an inspiring evening with Chief Warrant Officer Tracy Graham of the Canadian Armed Forces! With a remarkable career spanning over three decades, CWO Graham has served in roles across Canada and abroad—from pioneering as one of the first women on HMCS PROVIDER to missions in the Golan Heights and ... Read more

Mom 2 Mom Sale

Carleton Place Arena 75 Neelin Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada

Free EntryBuy gently used and new children’s clothing, shoes and toys for your growing child for the next season to come! Swag bags for the first 100 people. Donations to the Lanark County Food Bank are encouraged and appreciated. This event is put on by members of local societies and all proceeds are split between ... Read more

Community Connections Fair

Carambeck Community Centre 351 Bridge Street, Carleton Place, Canada

On November 9th, join us at the Community Connections Fair at Carambeck Community Centre from 10 AM to 2 PM. Discover a variety of free and low-cost programs and services available to Carleton Place residents. Learn how you can make a difference in our community. Admission is free, and we can’t wait to see you there!  

Snowflake Bazaar

St James Anglican Church 225 Edmund Street

Knitting, sewing, jewellery, homemade baking, deli items, re-gift, books, puzzles & homemade hot lunch! Cash only please.  More info.  613-257-3178

Remembrance Day Ceremony

The annual November 11th Remembrance Day Ceremony has played a major role in Canada since 1931. Every year, at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, Canadians gather in Memorial Parks, churches, community halls, workplaces, schools and homes to stand in honour of all who have fallen. In continuing with this tradition, ... Read more

Christmas Crafts & So Much More Bazaar

Navy League of Canada 137 John Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada

Lots of vendors and food! Entry is free. Accessible parking available via the back door.

Zion Memorial Church Christmas Bazaar

Zion Memorial Church 37 Franklin Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada

Hot Lunch 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Christmas treasures. Knitting and sewing Boutique items.jewellery Silent auction BAKING table

Lego Camp

Carleton Place Public Library 101 Beckwith Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada

Hosted by BrixToyz Ages 6 to 12 $40 To register, please contact BrixToyz 705-497-4625

Navy League/Sea Cadet 50/50 Eucher

Navy League of Canada 137 John Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada

$10 per person.  1/2 of proceeds go back out as prizes. Doors open at 6, games start at 7.  Info call Lynda 613-257-5214.  All proceeds go to Navy League/Sea Cadets.
